Runescape Bits & Bytes

The Restless Ghost
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Author:  Chief Snake [ June 27th, 2007, 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  The Restless Ghost


The Restless Ghost

A ghost is haunting Lumbridge graveyard. The priest of the Lumbridge Church of Saradomin wants you to find out how to get rid of it.

Requirements: None.
Items Needed: None.
NPCs: Father Aereck, Father Urhney, Restless Ghost.
Minor NPCs: Skeleton (13).
Difficulty: Easy.
Length: Short (approx. 10 minutes). This guide may appear overly complicated because it includes a lot of pictures, but it is really easy, and really short.
Reward: 1 quest point, 1125 Prayer exp, Ghostspeak amulet.

Start Point: Lumbridge Church, speak to Father Aereck.


    Above is a map of the area around Lumbridge that you will be in for the duration of the quest. If you get stuck in the guide at any point, you can refer back to the map to see where you should be going.

  1. Start the quest by speaking to Father Aereck of Lumbridge Church. He will inform you of a situation you must deal with to do with a ghost haunting the church graveyard. Accept his challenge and read through the conversation.

  2. Look on the map above to find the house where Father Urhney lives. It's located on the western Lumbridge swamp area - strange place to want to live if you ask me - so once you've found it, make your way there by going around or behind Lumbridge Castle, and around the long useless fence made seemingly to keep you from going places in a hurry.

    Upon arrival, find Father Urhney and he should be more than happy to help. :P


    Eventually he decides to give you a Ghostspeak Amulet, to enable you to talk to the ghost causing trouble - this is also useful later on if you are, or if you become a member. Wear it by clicking on it.

  3. Head back to Lumbridge the way you came, but instead of going to the church, go next door to the graveyard. In the graveyard, walk into the little building at the back corner and search the coffin to release the ghost. You must be wearing the ghostspeak amulet or you won't be able to understand it.


  4. Go back towards the Lumbridge swamp area (like you went to Father Urhney) but instead of going south at the end of the fence, go south-west (or continue west until you reach a path, and then south). You'll make it to a long bridge leading to the Wizards' Tower. If you get stuck at this part, check the map.

    Walk inside the tower, but don't go too far in. Climb down the ladder shown below and you'll find yourself in a small dungeon.

  5. Walk south and then into the east room, then into the room north of that - see the minimap on the picture below - and search the altar...


    Naturally something scary like this skeleton has gotta pop out at you, but don't worry. It's weak (only level 13) and won't do you any damage. You can run away as soon as it comes to life.

  6. Make your way back to the Restless Ghost in Lumbridge graveyard and use the skull with it's coffin.


    You'll be rewarded with an awesome little cutscene...


    ... and of course you will have completed the quest! Spirits all 'round. 8) (Get it? Heh?)


Written by Chief Snake for RSBANDB only.
* Has any other F2P guide ever had so much "effort" put into it? :oops: *

Author:  Adbot [ June 27th, 2007, 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Snowfox [ June 27th, 2007, 2:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Chief Snake wrote:
Has any other F2P guide ever had so much "effort" put into it?

No sir, I think you put the most.

Very good, detailed guide. Maybe if you do all the F2P quests Shane will put up a F2P quest guide section. :)

Author:  Gontcha [ June 27th, 2007, 4:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Chiefykins, you're abusing Ps, is it cs3?
Anyways, nice guide and esp. graphics.

Author:  trekkie [ June 27th, 2007, 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

no show, that is my job.

added to list

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