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How to make money by fletching and using magic
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Author:  Steve [ April 7th, 2006, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  How to make money by fletching and using magic

How to make money by fletching and using magic.

55 Magic - For High Alchemy
70 Fletching - For Yew Longs
60 Woodcutting – For Yew logs (or you could buy yew logs)
44 Runecrafting is recommended but not required.

Items Needed: Yew Logs or Yew Longs
Bow Strings (if your making the bows yourself)
Nature Runes - You need the same amount of these as you have Yew Longs or Yew Logs.
Fire Staff is recommended but not required

Tips: Make sure to have about 1000 (1k) Yew Logs or Yew Longs if you want to make any kind of profit.
If you are not using a fire staff, although it is highly recommended, you will need 5 times the amount of fire runes as you have nature runes.

Step 1: Cut Yew Logs into Yew Long (u), cut them all.
Step 2: String all your Yew Longs (u) into Yew Longs (s).
Step 3: Equip Fire Staff or Retrieve your nature and fire runes from the bank.
Step 4: Place your Yew Longs 1 Column across and 4 Rows down. This will make it easier to High Alchemy your yew longs and will save time.
Step 5: High Alchemy all of your Yew Longs into gold, Each Yew Long is worth 768gp (thats 768k per 1k Yew Longs).
Step 6: Your Done! With the money you've earnt, you can buy the supplies and do it again, or you can manually collect your own supplies.

Things you should know: If you are buying your own nature runes, their current price is 300gp each. So thats a 300k profit gone, and if you buy your own bow strings, thats 100-200k loss. But if you spin your own flax it can be a 50k-100k loss. Also if you buy your own Yew Logs, thats another 300k. But no matter what way you take, you will gain a profit. I would suggest you collect all of your items yourself, if you are not willing to do so and you just want the exp. Good, thats alot of exp to gain here in just 1k Yew Longs.

I hope you liked this guide lol.
All Rights are mine. If you want to use this guide, contact me by PM me on this site. Thanks

Author:  Adbot [ April 7th, 2006, 4:10 pm ]
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Author:  CrioThreeMo [ April 7th, 2006, 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Overall, you pretty much took the simple sentence "Make yew long bows and high alch them" and turned it into a guide.

But to add onto the idea, if you don't want magic experience and would rather have money, sell the yew longs for 600gp each, which makes you more profit than alching them.

"Step 5: High Alchemy all of your Yew Longs into gold, Each Yew Long is worth 768gp (thats 768k per 1k Yew Longs)."

If you buy the nats, that's minus 300k, buy the yews, minus another 300k, buy the strings at 150 each (which is less than the forums even sell for), minus another 150k. Leaving you with 18k profit per 1k bows you make. Even if you craft the nats yourself or cut the logs yourself, you still don't technically make the extra profit, since you simply sell the nats or yews for 300 gp each.

But if you sell the 1k yew longs for 600k each, you don't have to buy any nature runes... you spend 450k on yew logs and string and make 150k profit. Big difference.

Author:  Steve [ April 7th, 2006, 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im still working on it dude, thanks for your suggestion. I know all about whats being minused and what not ;)

Author:  Steve [ April 7th, 2006, 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Crio3mo wrote:
Overall, you pretty much took the simple sentence "Make yew long bows and high alch them" and turned it into a guide.

But to add onto the idea, if you don't want magic experience and would rather have money, sell the yew longs for 600gp each, which makes you more profit than alching them.

"Step 5: High Alchemy all of your Yew Longs into gold, Each Yew Long is worth 768gp (thats 768k per 1k Yew Longs)."

If you buy the nats, that's minus 300k, buy the yews, minus another 300k, buy the strings at 150 each (which is less than the forums even sell for), minus another 150k. Leaving you with 18k profit per 1k bows you make. Even if you craft the nats yourself or cut the logs yourself, you still don't technically make the extra profit, since you simply sell the nats or yews for 300 gp each.

But if you sell the 1k yew longs for 600k each, you don't have to buy any nature runes... you spend 450k on yew logs and string and make 150k profit. Big difference.

BTW: Good Luck selling yew longs at 600gp each. Whats that going to give the buyer? No profit at all unless he makes his own nature runes which would mean only a 168k profit, or even a 138k profit if he buys his own essence.

Author:  CrioThreeMo [ April 7th, 2006, 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try not to double post, mods don't like it. Just edit your last post.

"BTW: Good Luck selling yew longs at 600gp each. Whats that going to give the buyer? No profit at all unless he makes his own nature runes which would mean only a 168k profit."

It's very easy to sell yew longs at 600 each. Go to the official RS forums right now and check. There are tons of buyers. I sold 9k yew longs at 600 each the other day and will be selling 8k more today. It's not hard at all.

If a person crafts nature runes themself or just wants mage experience, then buying yew longs at 600 each is a standard price.

So, no, I don't really need luck to sell at 600gp each. That's a standard price.

EDIT: Not trying to sound mean. But it's pretty true that 600gp is a very standard price. People don't really sell for anything else. At least I've never seen a single person sell for anything else.

Author:  Steve [ April 7th, 2006, 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arghhh. Get off my guide post. **** Loser

Author:  Adbot [ April 7th, 2006, 4:29 pm ]
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Author:  Gontcha [ April 8th, 2006, 3:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Dudes, chill

yew longs alching give good exp and profit, but if u make all the stuff your self you'll lose time, and time is money!!! And you will make the same profit if buying them or making them your self

BTW some ppl sell yew longs for 450ea at seers

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